Social listening: zero red flags in the relationship with your customers

Social listening and market research are a fundamental part for brands and companies, since from there it is possible to obtain relevant information for the adjustment of a product. In turn, this helps your service or process within your line of operations to make your business more profitable.

Given the advances in the digital world, market research is being carried out through social networks. These make it possible to reduce costs, achieve immediacy of the selected sample and reduce its bias.

What is social listening?

It is the technique that allows companies to monitor the conversations and opinions that arise on the web 2.0. Through different monitoring tools, you can access a large amount of data that serves as input and provides insight for the improvement of internal and external processes.

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Apply social listening and say goodbye to toxic relationships 🚩🚩🚩 with your clients, to achieve this we share these super simple steps that you can apply starting today.

Índice 📰
  • Identify your goal:
  • Where will you monitor?:
  • Select your sample:
  • The right tools:
  • Prioritizing is essential:
  • Network Handbook:
  • Listen first, interact later:
  • Identify your goal:

    Whether it is to know if the comments are positive or negative for a certain campaign or the brand as such, you must be clear about what you want to do and what you will get from it. It is exactly the same as when you are looking for a love interest: you know what you need and what your interests are. Just translate it to the business level.

    escucha social

    Where will you monitor?:

    Identify the social network in which you will do the research. One recommendation that we make is that you start with the social network where you mostly talk with your community or broadcast content. Remember that there is a social network for each type of content:

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    1. Instagram – As the name says, it's all about instant gratification! This is where you will shine if you have an audience that loves  aesthetic content and appreciates good design.
    2. Facebook: the most classic and winning for businesses that need their fanpage and a wider diversity of audience. Take advantage of the fact that there are still many millennials here and quite a few baby boomers.
    3. Twitter: we do not recommend it for so much feedback, since it is a network of criticism and harsh opinion. Please use it carefully.
    4. LinkedIn: if your audience is business or with executive profiles, it can be very beneficial.

    Select your sample:

    It is important to know who you will listen to, be it your community, your potential consumers, the competition, the influencers or any other stakeholder. Identify your sample from the beginning as this will help you with your objective and have a better focus during the investigation.

    The right tools:

    Depending on your objective, sample and network to be monitored, select tools that facilitate your investigation and give you the appropriate results. Keep in mind that there is a wide variety of tools and applications that are only responsible for monitoring conversations or audiences on certain social networks.

    mejora tu servicio al cliente

    Prioritizing is essential:

    Surely you will find a lot of content and conversations that may not be of much use to you. It is essential to prioritize comments that focus on the objective of your investigation.

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    Network Handbook:

    Given that all research has some fees that ensure the protection of the identity of the participant, keep them in mind when doing your research on networks.

    Listen first, interact later:

    Since you don't count on the body language of the participants, it's important to listen first before interacting. In this way you will be able to measure the sincere responses of the sample and whether or not they are influenced by someone.

    social listening

    Understanding all the power that social listening offers you, we share a series of tools with which you can find out what users say about your brand or company:

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    hootsuite :

    You will be able to have a control command where you will monitor both the accounts you want to add, conversations in specific hashtags or others, obtaining a 360 view of the conversations.

    Socialmention :

    Through its filter system, you will be able to monitor the keywords shared on the main social networks.

    It allows you to know the influence or the number of times a word is searched for in a specific period. In addition to the possible combinations associated with the original term.

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    Google Alerts :

    It allows you to select the term, person, brand or others to monitor. In addition, every time it is mentioned on the web, you will receive an email with the report.

    Do you have any questions about social listening? Put Alegra to the test and write to us so that we can assist you. 😉

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